GRAVEYARD OF THE TECTONICS — Airless and lifeless, this blackened scar is a reminder of why the Augural Strand must never again succumb to the drums of war.
THE PRIMAL SWAMP — The mainlanders call it holy ground, seeing themselves as caretakers of a restless and temperamental land. But, for travelers, the Hallowed Swamp can be a treacherous place.
THE LUSH CAPE — Southern Ardea is a vista of mountains, hills, wetlands, jungle and savanna. The Lush Cape boasts more species of fauna and flora than any other nation along the Augural Strand.
THE GAMBLER’S WASTES — It’s believed that Rotkrater was once a jungle, but now little can survive on its reddened shores and arid flats. Those who can are not to be trifled with.
THE AWAKENED FOREST — Home of the druids and birthplace of the Okita, Quickthorne has become a refuge for the strange and otherworldly of the Augural Strand.
THE BOILING MOUNTAINS — While few have met the king of Bulwark, his ironhanded grip can be felt far beyond the cavernous, hallowed halls of Golembluff.
THE ICY WILDS — It’s best not to think about what lies beyond the Sogworn Wall. Yet, if you must know, know this: These woods are not meant for good-natured folk.
THE GREAT CITADEL — An imposing facade of stone conceals the sprawling, lavish interior of Caelus Castra — a city built within the gilded halls of a castle.
THE NATION OF LIGHTS — From the sputtering harvesters of Mugwort to the neon signs of Fellnoble, magic and machinery define life across the five provinces of the Ampere Alliance.